Ascendant Leo Baby
This child is self-confident and full of self-trust. If the situation allows, he will try to take the lead and draw the attention towards himself. A modest back-roll is not something he would be interested in. This outward, yet self-centered presence of him often causes others to approach him with a distance and not as personally, since his behavior indicates to others that he is looking for the more dominant standing in a situation. He rarely includes others or better said he rarely involves them.
Even as a small child, he tries to do everything right and win praise for it. If he does not succeed in this, he becomes angry. He is reluctant to accept the help of his parents. He can rarely laugh at himself and even less when he is being laughed at! He has to learn not to take everyday challenges so seriously.
Parents should be aware when raising their child to show him the limits since on his own, he will tend to exaggerate. The pubescent Leo has such a strong desire for praise and success that his behavior can sometimes take on exhibitionist traits which may make himself look ridiculous with his friends or at a party.
This child is full of life, loves sports, especially those that take place outdoors, and likes to compete. He frequently achieves great success and is often the best in his group or on his team.
He is almost always cheerful and infects others with his charm and good humor. Only when he has a broken heart will the young Leo become deeply sad – denial is not something that he can deal with.
The child has learned by observing that you, as parents, encourage and approve rather dominant, strong, and self-confident behavior and actions. Because of this, he likes to do this to achieve his goals in life, even if it puts other people under pressure. He must practice empathy if he plans on ever being there for others.
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