Medium Coeli Sun

Unity – the Medium Coeli conjunct Sun

This child will develop similar life, work, and career ideas as his father. He will look to him and his behavior and identify strongly with him. This can be good or bad. If he has a similar inner personality as his father, this constellation is quite favorable for him because he then experiences, through his…

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Medium Coeli Moon

Unity – the Medium Coeli conjunct the Moon

This child will unconsciously be highly influenced by his mother in life, especially during his early development if he is to develop an independent attitude towards life, work, and his career. This will surely become clear during puberty, when he observes his friends and starts to make comparisons. Then he will have to free himself…

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Medium Coeli Moon

Harmony – the Medium Coeli sextile Moon

The child and his mother identify strongly, but also constructively with each other. They agree subconsciously in many life, work and career questions and topics which will benefit him in his personal development regarding school, professional decision-making, and his lifestyle. He can pretty much always trust that he is making similar life choices as his…

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Medium Coeli Sun

Harmony – the Medium Coeli sextile Sun

The father will be very supportive and encouraging of his projects and plans because he realizes early on that these children are fundamentally developing in a direction that they see as meaningful and correct. This largely automatic congruence between the child and his father should give him a strong backing and sense of support in…

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